Benrus Type II Class A Diver – Serial 1199The Benrus Type II Class A is a watch that punches way above it‚Äôs weight class. ¬†Designed in the 1970‚Äôs, for the US Military, the Type II was built to take on some of the US Military‚Äôs toughest missions. Ultimately becoming the watch of choice for units such as the Navy SEALS, this 43mm beast offers paramount legibility, rock solid construction and depth rating of 365 meters. While at first glance this parkerized asyemetrical cased watch might look strange it‚Äôs a watch you have to wear to fully appreciate. Often imitated but never duplicated the Type II offers a lot of value, especially when you consider relatively low production numbers (estimated to be 9,000). ¬†If you‚Äôve been in the market for a true military watch, but don‚Äôt have the funds for a 5517 Mil-Sub be sure to give this piece some consideration.